Check your Internet Connection
Couldn't Install , was the error. Frustrated me a for a whole while, whilst trying to install O365 ProPlus using the Office Deployment Tool

I knew there was more than enough space on the machine, it did have an internet connection (More on this in a bit), the Installer was setup correctly and shared.
I ended up logging a call with Microsoft, and they could also not resolve the issue.
After some more troubleshooting i found the issue, the internet connection was too slow, so even though the error stated "Is your Internet Connection Working" , which it was, there was no talk about the speed needed. I can only assume it was some form of time-out when trying to connect to O365.
So after some upgrades to the network and Internet Speed, it just worked.

I thought i'd share this with you, as i have not found a post, that pointed to this, it might just be something you need to consider.
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